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Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Google Mobile-Friendly Test News - Testing the fixed1t Tech Support blogger blog

I've been working hard over the past week to modify all of my websites to make that fully compatible with the Google Mobile-Friendly Test edict.

I submitted:

It Passed

I am pleased to announce it passed, so you should therefore have no difficulties searching for anything you remember from the fixed1t Tech Support blogger blog page.

Thank you for your continued support.


Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Installing Y-Axis Limit Switches On Mini-CNC 3020 Engraving Router Part 1

Part 1 of eBay Chinese Mini-CNC Router Y-Axis Limit Switches Installation.  This is machine has great potential, but before I actually do some serious work with it, I need to idiot proof it, from me, so I don't accidentally wreck it during the learning process.   In my previous video I secured the X-axis and its gear motor.  This video now covers the Y Axis. Then I'll be making 3D models and bits.

Here is a link to the type of Mini CNC Machine I bought on eBay

The Type Of Mini CNC I Bought On eBay

and a separate link to the CNC Limit Micro Switches I am using.

CNC Limit End-Stop Switches

If you have a CNC machine and haven't to end-stop or limit switches on it I'd advise you do so, it will save you burning out the gears if it over travels due to software glitch.


Saturday, 25 April 2015

Changing Kindle App Read Out Loud Reading Speed On The Apple iPad iPhone...

Kindle App iPad Tip 2:  Here is how to increase (or change) the reading speed on the iPad kindle App Read Out Loud, I use it very fast to read manuals to me when I'm doing practical jobs.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Test If Google Search Will Low Rank You For Non Mobile-Friendly Website

Tomorrow 21st April 2015 Google will update it search algorithm software to downgrade or not show any website its test software deems as not Mobile-Friendly.  I did this video whilst testing my own.  If you or anybody you know depends on website searches for help, donations, customers etc then the site needs to be tested ASAP.  If it fails it will need to be fixed.  I plan to down a couple of simple videos on fixing the issue, once I've check all of my own and hopefully fixed them.  This is not a hoax, this Google forcing us to fix our sites how it wants them to be or face the consequences of rejection.

I'm sorry Dave I'm Afraid I Cannot Do That - Springs To Mind - not in a gentle benevolent voice, but in fluffy Colours and Pictures.

This is going to cost me a lot of hours to rectify

Once you've watched the video.

Mobile-Friendly Test

It wouldn't let me link it in the video for some ODD reason.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

X-axis End-Stop Control On CNC 3020 Engraving Router With JP-3163B

This is machine has great potential, but before I actually do some serious work with it, I need to idiot proof it, from me, so I don't accidentally wreck it during the learning process.   With the 1st 2 end-stops I've secured the X-axis and its gear motor, just the Y, Z, 4th Axis and spindle to go. Then I'll be making 3D models and bits.

Here is a link to the type of Mini CNC Machine I bought on eBay

The Type Of Mini CNC I Bought On eBay

and a separate link to the CNC Limit Micro Switches I am using.

CNC Limit End-Stop Switches

If you have a CNC machine and haven't to end-stop or limit switches on it I'd advise you do so, it will save you burning out the gears if it over travels due to software glitch.


Sunday, 12 April 2015

CNC 3020T-D Controller box noise

Had a great afternoon with my mate Matt investigating with the control box on the 3020 T-D was so incredibly noisy, initially we were convinced it was the metal grill on the back of the box

on the fan outlet, and convinced each other that putting spacers on it would solve it, it didn't, after fitting them it was still just a noisy.

Then we noticed that putting a hand or foam grip mat of it significantly reduces the noise.  After much deliberation we decided it was a crap fan and possibly not fitted properly, as outlined in the video I just posted on youtube in the fixed1t cnc playlist.

CNC 3020T Router Engraving Machine - How To Reduce Control Box Fan Noise

This video is about How To Reduce Control Box Noise On A CNC 3020T Router Engraving Machine.  The control box itself generates over 86db of noise and this video explains how I easily reduced it by over 10db and improve the heat transfer efficiency.

Just a few simple modifications can make this unit a lot more pleasant to use, and reducing noise is one of them.


Thursday, 9 April 2015

CNC 3020T Enclosure Update. - The Controller Fan

I've just been testing the enclosure, the crazy thing is without the CNC 3020T-D running the control box fan is kicking out of 60db of fan noise, so I need to order myself and quieter 24v fan as with everything running I'm hitting nearly 90db which isn't good for my ears and family sanity.


Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Making A 3020 Mini-CNC Router Engraver Enclosure - Tape

Although Sellotape or parcel tape will hold the plastic panel on the side of the enclosure, it is really prone to tearing and leaving a messy sticky residue behind.  About 20 years ago I bought a role of this 'Sellotape All Weather'.  It sticks well and can be peeled off and re-stuck, its think tough and doesn't leave a residue.  I used it to successfully seal a cracked and leaking sloping pane of glass in my conservatory, and its still as good today as its always been.

Making A 3020 Mini-CNC Router Engraver Enclosure - Cutter

Somebody asked about the size of the circle cutter I used, in order to cut the holes with sufficient clearance.  I used a 2.25 inch circular cutter, which is around 57mm.

I hope this helps, this is well worth doing.


Making A 3020 Mini-CNC Router Engraver Enclosure - Part Two

This is Part Two of my video to make a 3020 Mini-CNC Router Engraver Enclosure for under £10 (approx $15 USA) to reduce noise, mess, swarf contamination and enable you to safely see the job when using the engraving router.  The video shows how I do it and some of the pit falls.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

CNC 3020T Enclosure Update.

The construction is going well, although it turns out that melting plastic boxes and expecting them to do what you want and two entirely different things,  So I've decide to cut holes.  The X and Y axis holes have been cut, X-works perfectly as does Y unless I try to move it, LOL I forgot the entire mechanism with the spindle on it traverses the length of the bed plus some, oops.

More holes to cut before I finish the video and the machine works as you can see from the picture.


Making A 3020 Mini-CNC Router Engraver Enclosure - Part One

This Two Part video is about making A 3020 Mini-CNC Router Engraver Enclosure for under £10 (approx $15 USA) to reduce noise, mess, swarf contamination and enable you to safely see the job when using the engraving router.  Industrial machines have expensive custom made enclosures, and with this method a decent enclosure can be made cheaply in an matter of hours. It will also offer some protection against high speed projectiles from snapping high speed bits or flying pieces of work in the event of a hardware or software  crash or human error ;-)

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